Handling a demanding design client

By Dushyant Kanungo

Handling a demanding design client

5 strategies to manage your client and their needs.

Handling a demanding design client can get challenging for designers and product managers, but there are a few proven strategies you can use to ensure a smooth and successful working relationship with your client.

Here are five important strategies for a good designer-client relationship:

1. Set clear expectations

Establishing clear expectations at the outset of the project can help prevent misunderstandings and reduce the likelihood of unreasonable demands later. Make sure to communicate your process, timeline, and deliverables to your client, and be sure to get their input and approval at key stages of the project.

2. Communicate regularly

Regular communication with your client is critical to managing their expectations and addressing any concerns they may have. Make sure to check in with them regularly, either in person or via phone or email, to keep them informed of the progress of the project and address any questions or concerns they may have.

3. Manage scope creep

Scope creep, or the tendency for a project to expand beyond its original scope is a common challenge in design projects. To prevent scope creep, it’s important to establish clear boundaries and make sure that any changes to the project are documented and agreed upon by both parties.

4. Stay organized

Staying organized and keeping good records of your communication and project progress can help you stay on top of your client’s demands and provide quick responses to their questions or concerns. Use project management tools or software to help you stay organized and on track.

5. Seek support

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by a demanding client, it’s important to seek support from your team or colleagues. Feel free to delegate tasks or ask for help if you need it.


Overall, handling a demanding design client requires clear communication, strong project management skills, and the ability to set boundaries and manage scope creep. By following these strategies, you can effectively manage your client’s expectations and deliver a project successfully and on time.

To learn more about UX and product design from industry experts, listen to our podcast — UX Banter available on Spotify, or watch the episodes on YouTube.

Also, do check us out on Galaxy UX Studio.

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